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Shalom from G-d - English
Considering the Tanakh's promise of Shalom, the Man, and the Land - all in the sea of the Nations
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Shalom from G-d - English
Considering the Tanakh's promise of Shalom, the Man, and the Land - all in the sea of the Nations
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Torah insight
1. Made in the Image of G-d
2. But Corrupted… like orcs in Lord of the Rings
3. …And missing our Target
4. The Promise in the Garden – First Hint of Israel
5. Abraham’s Aliyah: 4000 years ago but still heard around the world today
6. The Ageless Promise to unnoticed Abraham – Quiet but Everlasting
7. Covenant Righteousness – Abraham’s example
8. Abraham’s Test: the binding of Isaac
What are the Ten Commandments? What do they teach?
Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur & Sukkot – And the Enigma of the Messiah
Prophecies to ponder
Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur & Sukkot – And the Enigma of the Messiah
Who is Daniel’s ‘Son of Man’? The Paradox at Yeshua’s Trial
Moses Prophesies Jewish History: A Sign for both Jews and Gentiles
How were details of Yeshua’s death prophesied?
The Puzzle of the Psalm 22 Prophecy
Jerusalem & the Hebrew Prophet vs. Jewish skeptic (Pt 3)
The Hebrew Prophet vs. Jewish skeptic (Pt. 2)
The Hebrew Prophet vs. the Jewish Skeptic (Part 1)
Isaiah & the re-gathering of Jews to Israel
The Branch: Sprouting Exactly in time to be … ‘cut off’
The Branch: Named hundreds of years before his birth
The Sign of the Branch: The Dead Stump reborn – in Messiah
Musings re. Messiah
Jewish Hanukkah conversation recorded in Second Temple Period
Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur & Sukkot – And the Enigma of the Messiah
Justice for Nations in a Globalized World: How does the Bible foresee it with Messianic Kingdom?
Flashback to Isaac’s Birth: Hindsight brings Foresight into PlainSight
Jewish Testimony: Virgin’s Son from David’s Line?
Jewish Roots of Christmas
Passover, Yeshua – and Jewishness questions
The Branch: Sprouting Exactly in time to be … ‘cut off’
The Branch: Named hundreds of years before his birth
The Sign of the Branch: The Dead Stump reborn – in Messiah
Where does ‘Messiah’ come from?
Yeshua in brit chadasha
Yeshua in brit chadasha
Ancient Zodiac
Virgo & the Zodiac as Signs for my Life
The Esna Zodiac & Sphinx marking the zodiac start
Libra in the Ancient Zodiac
Scorpio in the Ancient Zodiac
Sagittarius in the Ancient Zodiac
Capricorn in the Ancient Zodiac
Aquarius in the Ancient Zodiac
Pisces in the Ancient Zodiac
Aries in the Ancient Zodiac
Taurus in the Ancient Zodiac
Gemini in the Ancient Zodiac
Cancer in the Ancient Zodiac
Leo in the Ancient Zodiac
Purim: How to Celebrate post October 7 2023?
The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Tanakh’s Reliability
What’s the Gospel? Considered through COVID and Moses’ Bronze Serpent
Simple but Powerful: What is the meaning of Yeshua’s sacrifice?
What is the evidence for G-d’s existence?
What does the Bible teach about Environmental Stewardship?
Why would a Loving G-d allow Suffering, Pain and Death?
Justice for Nations in a Globalized World: How does the Bible foresee it with Messianic Kingdom?
What about Evolution? Did we Evolve or were we Created?
The Bible: the most Unique Book but what is its message?
The Noah Controversy: Could that Flood have happened?
Races and Languages: From where? Answering Racism
What is the Greatest Love Story ever?
Apparel: Why More than just Clothing?
The Resurrection of Yeshua: Fact or Fiction?
What are the Ten Commandments? What do they teach?
Is the Bible textually Reliable? Or has it been corrupted?
Circumcision in Tanakh: When, Why & What for?
Jewish Testimony: Virgin’s Son from David’s Line?
Shoah in the Bible?
Why did a Good G-d create a Bad Devil?
The Brit Chadasha (New Testament) – How to approach this Jewish writing?
What was the History of the Jewish People?
Was there an Adam? The Testimony of the ancient Chinese
Where does ‘Messiah’ come from?
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